Sunday, 26 September 2010

Carniverous Tendancies

What is it about the weekend that brings on those carnivorous cravings? During the week I am quite content to eat chicken and pork in various forms – stir fry to roast or even fried but come the weekend and the need for blood starts to rise.

Just the thought of a large steak perfectly cooked gets the heart beating faster and by the time Saturday evening comes it is almost racing.

But now comes the quandary… what shall I have. Should it be Fillet or Sirloin or even a bit of rump? With or without sauces? Where from and what breed? Enough about this, I need to book my next holiday.

Given my druthers a perfectly cooked to rare Black Aberdeen Angus grass fed steak of about 300 grams just makes for a perfect meal. Serve it with a mixed peppercorn sauce on the side along with gratin potatoes and a light spinach salad. Now what wine to have with it?

One argument that will never be resolved is where the best steaks come from. There will always be parochial opinions but for me the best comes from the rare breeds in Scotland. On a commercial basis definitely Argentina followed closely by Australia.

A lot is said about Kobe Beef being the best in the world along with its Australian counterpart Wagu. Both are beautifully marbled with fat and have a superb flavour that unfortunately is lost with too much cooking. In my opinion these are best eaten Carpaccio or even Tartar.

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