Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New Year diet foods

So if you are like me you have finished the Christmas and New Year Season and realised that there is less of your shoes in view when you look down or it is that little bit harder when you bend over to tie your shoe laces.

No fears as the answer is at hand – eat more......

Yes I did say eat more as it has been shown that eating regularly can help with dieting – many Asians eat 6 or 7 times a day and are slim and not over weight like us westerners.

Every year a new diet fad comes onto the market encouraging us to eat more fibre, or less carbohydrates or just raw foods. However some truths have been known for many years and some of them are listed below – be warned that some of them do not fit in with current thinking as far of diets are concerned, but then someone has to find a reason for you to buy their book and read their diet plan.

Eggs – these have always been know as a great way to start the day as they are full of protein and help fill you up at the start of the day reducing what you will want to eat for the rest of the day. Try not to fry them...

Beans – always a favourite of diets as they contain cholecystokinin which is a natural appetite suppressant and are also high in fiber which helps make you feel full for longer

Grapefruit – something in a grapefruit can help reduce your natural insulin levels making your body convert calories into energy rather than fat.

Cinnamon – a great way to stave off those mid day sugar rushes cinnamon can also help lower blood sugars and cholesterol and of particular interest to those with type 2 diabetes.

Olive Oil – People from Mediterranean countries have known the benefits of olive oil for centuries and it is surprising what you can put olive oil. A great way to take olive oil in your diet is to eat it soaked into bread, especially whole grain.

And when you have done all of this tuck into a nice juicy steak and a bottle of wine to celebrate all that weight you have lost and the healthy food you have been eating.

Another good way you could try, for basic experience, is to find an enriched menus in some restaurants in Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, those were places where many people think of when dining out for the original.

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